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Health: Cameroon Gov't Strengthen Its Fight Against Viral Hepatitis In The Country.

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 2 mois

At the occasion of this year celebration on July 28 2024 ,under the theme it's time for action the Minister of Public Health, Dr Manaouda Malachie calls for a nation wide mobilisations to reinforce the fight against the wide spread of viral hepatitis in the country.

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The world day against hepatitis was officially designated by the World Health Organisation with the aim of encouraging and sensitizing the testing and and vaccination against this chronic infection that affects hundreds of Millions people in the world.According to health experts hepatitis A and B are responsible of dangerous lungs diseases causing million of death each year ,those vulnerable are health professionals, drogues consumers , unvaccinated people and un protected sexual intercourse. In Cameroon, in 2023 morethan 12000 new cases of viral hepatitis B and approximately 3800cases of hepatitis C was detected causing a significant impact on public health.National health statistics reveals an alarming figures in the country: Hepatitis B touches 11.2% of the population with a high level of hepatitis registered in the Far North region with a 17.7% level of prevalence, hepatitis C affects 1.3% of the general population, The lowest level of prevalence is registered in the North West with 7% . The affected age goes from 25-29yrs with 1.4% principally transmitted through unprotected , Mother to child and the most affected age rate goes from 55 to 59 yrs with 6.7% .The Gov't priority is to reduce this alarming figures by increasing access of traiments to patients, to this effect 19 approved traitment centers and 2 dispensation has been put in service country wide that support patients by a dynamism of proximity and disponibility of  traitement.The National Strategic Plans aims at intergrating the fights against Hepatitis in other programs of public health and reinforce universal access to services of prevention and treatment . Cameroon position itself fermely in the global fight against hepatitis with a Clair vision of reaching the objectives of reducing and eradicating viral hepatitis by 2030 , to this effect the states calls on all the actors in the domain,the population to mobilise together to put a barrier to this disease,ammeliorating health infrastures for the detection and traitment of cases.                                                                                                                     




Auteur: Christelle Koambi 

bernardo carlos ndjomo
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