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Minim-Martap Bauxite : Canyon Resources Secures 20-Year Operating Permit.

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Cameroon is pursuing an ambitious strategy to optimize its mineral wealth. Camalco, an affiliate of Canyon Resources of Australia, officially received its exploitation licence in September 13, 2024 in a ceremony presided over by Professor Fuh Calistus Gentry, Minister of Mines, industry and technological development.

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This   approval, comes nearly 3years after negociations began between the Cameroonian government and the local subsidiary of the Australian mining firm.With this permit,valid for a period of 20years , the mining company is set to commence production at the deposit in 2025 and a processing phase slated for 2027.This $2billion project aims to develop 99.1million tonnes of bauxite,In addition to exporting the ore , 30% of the production will be processed locally to supply domestic  plans .This will reduce the import bills for this material, which is totaled approximately 36 billion fcfa in 2023 based on statistics from the National institute of statistics .This initiative position Cameroon as Africa's pioneer in integrating bauxite mining, refining , and transformation into alumina, creating a comprehensive value The Minim-Martap project covers an area of approximately 499 square kilometers , situated in the Adamawa. The initiative according to both parties,has numerous socio-economic benefits for Cameroon in general and the population in particular.Through this project, the creation of 1000 direct and indirect jobs is expected upon its launch , not to mention its significant contribution to the national economy.                                    



Christelle Koambi 


bernardo carlos ndjomo
22 0

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