Actu Eco » Business and coorporation

Boosting Private Investment: Strategies For Growth .

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We will never have enough words to emphasize the key role that the private sector plays in economic development, particularly for developing nations such as Cameroon.

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The private sector, plays a vital role as a key source of revenue mobilization and a crucial instrument for the state to invest , execute its projects and drive economic growth. Public policies and other strategies implemented by public authorities, reflect their determination to make private investment the cornerstone of the economy and the main driver of growth. During events like the Cameroon  Business Forum , The Governmental Trade Fair( SAGO ) , various consultations between the government and the private sector allow for the discussion of the need for the state to partner with the private The private sector's significance is so great that these stakeholders have emerged as key counterparts for technical and financial partners, whether it's the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, or the African Development Bank, all these financial companies now engage with the private sector.The various delegations from these organizations have been  visiting the head of Gicam and the Chamber of commerce , industry , mines , and crafts with the aim of gaining their insight into the business climate and identifying solutions to enhance their contribution to the economy. The private sector is the main driver of employment in the country, providing jobs for 70% of the country's workforce , with a significant proportion of young people and women employed in  key sectors like industry, education and agriculture. Tax policy alleviation and improved access to finance are some of the private sector's proposal as prerequisite for greater contribution to the economy.               

Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
13 0

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