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Economy: The Cumulative Profits Of Companies In 2023 Are Boosted By Strong Performances In The Cocoa, Coffee,Tea ,Sugar,Tech And Financial Sectors.

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The National Institute of Statistics published a synthesis report on Tuesday September 10,2024 ,On the economic and financial situations of companies in 2023.

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The sectors demonstrating notable growth in net profits are : the Cocoa industry, information and communication activities, financial and insurance activities, the coffee industry, the sugar and tea industries . Despite these sectoral successes, the report highlights that 22 out of 38 branches remained deficitary in 2023 including 19 that where already in deficit in 2022. Nevertheless, the global activity of companies has enabled profits to be generated, with a 0.9% increase in turn over and a profit margin rate or profitable increase of 4.5% representing an improvement of 0.2 points compared to 2022. Regarding value added, 86.3% of businessess generated a positive value added in 2023, although this figure is slightly lower than the 87.1% recorded in 2022. Global value added growth slowed significantly by only 0.1% after a robust 14,8% expansion in the previous year.The value-added rate has slightly decreased, dropping from 26.2% to 26.0%.The National Institute of Statistics report is based on a sample of 1,091 statistical and tax returns provided by representative companies of the national economic fabric , classified by sector of activities.This sample accounts for 98% of the total turnover and 75% of permanent jobs in 2023 according to the National institute of statistics.

Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
10 0

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