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Finance: The International Solar Alliance To Launch $100Million Fund For Africa.

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The International Solar Alliance plans to launch $100million fund to develop solar energy solution in Africa.

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This initiative known as Global Solar Facility ,aims to mobilize up to $1.5billion in financing to accelerate the deployment of decentralized solar systems in African countries.The initiative seeks to significantly increase solar power generation across 121 countries situated entirely or partly between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of Capricorn.Most of these countries are developing nations with immense solar energy opportunity. This initiative will operate through a framework of partnerships aligning with businesses, policymakers, financial institutions and communities to stimulate significant investments and pave the way for sustainable future. The International Solar Alliance, is an intergovernmental organization based in new Delhi, launched by India and France during the 21st UN Climate Change Conference.The International Solar Alliance is also putting in place an insurance mechanism aimed at accelerating funding for solar projects in poor countries .This mechanism is expected to be applied first in the Nuru project in Congo .The Global Solar facility along with the Insurance mechanism, is part of International Solar Alliance's broader strategy to develop energy adoption in developing countries and contribute to global efforts to ammeliorate climate change.                                                                                                     



Christelle Koambi 

bernardo carlos ndjomo
15 0

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