Actu Eco » Banque et Finance

Finance : Cameroon Spent More Than Cfa 40 Billion On Public Institution Executive Pay Between 2020-2024.

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According to a recent study by the Cameroonian Professor, Viviane Ondoua Biwolé , Cameroon spent approximately cfa 48,4 billion on compensating General Managers , Deputy General Managers of public enterprises and institutions between 2020 - 2024.

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The study titled " how much public funding is allocated to executive pay in public entities ", covers a total of 37 public entities and 75 public institution.Based on the study , the top earners were executives at the Cameroon Telecommunications and the Cotton Development Cooperation , in detail the General Manager of Cameroon Telecommunications recieved approximately cfa 885 million in salary , the Board chair cfa 195million and the Deputy manager recieved over cfa 692million , in total summing up to the amount of morethan Cfa 1.1 billion over 4years . The study reveals that, the next top earners on the list were executives of the National Refining  Company, The National Hydrocarbon corporation and the Port Authority of Douala where the combined salaries of the 3 executives exceeded cfa 1billion over 4years . The study also criticized the state for wasting money, causing the State an overall loss of huge amounts of money between 2020 and 2024 that is  cfa 175 billion for public companies and cfa 20 billion for public institutions. This situation highly criticized by Cameroonians, reveals major gouvernance shortcomings and ineffective implementation of reforms initiated by Cameroonians ,according to Proff Viviane Ondoua Biwolé founder of  OBIV solution.                                                        

Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
17 0

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