Actu Eco » Banque et Finance

Cocoa : Global Deficit For 2023/2024 Being Revised To 462,000 tonnes.

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 1 semaine

This announcement made on August 31,2024 ,comes in a particular context where global cocoa production is expected to fall by 14.2% that is 4.3 million tonnes due to weak supplies in West Africa the main source.

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Uncertainties surrounding Cocoa supply have put the International market under pressure in 2023 /2024 , as the cocoa season comes to a close harvest forecast are becoming clearer.According to the August 2024 Quarterly Bulletin of cocoa statistic reported by the International Cocoa organisation , global supply remains low.The Bulletin based on this report outlines factors including adverse weather conditions , aged trees , pests and diseases that affected the production in major cocoa growing areas during the season under review . Globally, though prices have recently experienced a descent, they remain relatively high as the supply constraints persist.In 2023 , the average price was $ 4,196 .In london prices closed at £ 5,541 per tonnes on August 30 compared to an average of £ 3,506 recorded in 2023 . Considering the market balance , a production deficit of 462000 tonnes is forecast for the 2023/2024 season , total end- of - season stocks are envisaged at 1,324 million tonnes .The prices of the futures contract for September delivery closed at $9666 on the intercontinental exchange  on August 30.                                                                                                         

Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
23 0

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