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Extractive Industry: Cameroon Witnesses A 2% Fall In Production Costs In Q1 2024.

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Cameroon's Extractive sector from January to March 2024 saw a drop in its production cost by 2%.

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This fall in production price is a continuous tendency from the drops that was observed early in 2023 compared to the numerous months of production cost increases in 2022.According to the Industrial Producer Price Index ( ippi) from the National institute of statistics, showed a 1.9% throw down in factory prices driven by hydrocarbon sector , still in this report the National institute of statistics emphasize a 1.8% substraction in prices from quarter four of 2023 to quarter one of 2024. However this drop in the extractive secor ,vary from the general fashion observed in the Cameroon's industrial sector which according to the industrial producer price index ( ippi) cameroon's industrial sector witness an increase by 0.9% primarily galvanized by the wood processing industry that registered a 12.5% rise followed by the textile sector that saw a 9% rise.The Cameroon's industrial sector has been recognised for its positive attempts to maintain this sector that is the Cameroon's Extractive sector which plays a significant role in the country's economy that is in 2021 it contributed to approximately 30% of export values and nearly 15% of government total revenue and employing 0.67% of the population. .                              



Auteur: Christelle Koambi 

bernardo carlos ndjomo
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