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Africa: USAID Promises $40Million To Enhance Food Security In Africa.

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 1 semaine

The United States through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID ), announced $40 million in aid to fight food insecurity and improve resilience in Africa.

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The Budget, provided through USAID, will mainly go towards projects in Tanzania, Madagascar Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo.This financial support will help farmers adapt to extreme weather by using improved crop varieties.The goal is to reduce risks to future harvest in the zambezi River Basin.The funding will help speed up African-led approach to boost agricultural productivity, market linkages, improve nutrition and leverage the private sector to enhance food security. The Food and Agricultural Organisation, attributed this crisis to climate change, the impacts of the war in Ukraine, and economic slowdowns.The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa , estimates that the African continent needs an additional $ 25.7billion in annual investments in agriculture to install robust food systems and meet the zero hunger goal by 2030 .In 2022 ,Food and Agricultural Organisation ,stated that 20% of Africa's population about 282 million people were undernourished .Around 868 million Africans faced moderates or severe food insecurity with 342million in a state of severe food insecurity.                                              



Christelle Koambi 

bernardo carlos ndjomo
12 0

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