Actu Eco » Banque et Finance

CEMAC : The Bank Of Central African States,Introduces 150Million Coins Into The Banking Circuit.

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 2 semaine

In an economic context where low-value transactions are common, especially in informal sectors,the scarcity of small-denomination coins complicates daily life for citizens and often leads to a slowdown in economic activities.

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This initiative, perceived as a welcome relief for the community, aims to improve the liquidity of the region's financial system and ensure that small-value transactions can be carried out smoothly without hindrance.The BEAC authorities believe that the introduction of 100,50 and 25 denomination coins , will boost economic growth, enhance financial stability and promote financial inclusion by increasing access to transactions for everyone.Due to fraudulent activities, particularly their export to Asia for jewellery making, coins in the Cemac zone are becoming increasingly scare .This initiative of injecting 150 million coins into the banking circuit, is part of BEAC's ongoing effort to promote a dynamic and resilient economy within the CEMAC zone and it is in this same logic that the monetary institution (BEAC) plans to issue new coins by the end of the year, with the innovation of a 200fcfa coin , hoping that this new range of coins will offer greater security against current trafficking of coins .               



Christelle Koambi 

bernardo carlos ndjomo
17 0

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