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Banking and Finance: The African Development Bank Celebrates 60 years Of Existence.

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The African Development Bank(AFDB), will celebrate its anniversary in Ivory Coast from September 9 to 10 ,2024 under the theme 60 years of making a difference .

Lire aussi : Notation financière: le Cameroun perd des points en 2023.

Over the past decade the African Development Bank's initiatives have enabled 400 million Africans to access electricity, clean water and proper sanitation.The AFDB goals for Africa : Feed Africa, Light up Africa, Integrate Africa and improve the quality of life for the people of Africa , align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union's Agenda 2063 . Established in 1964, the African Development Bank aims to promote sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in Africa .The Bank has implemented over 5,600 projects in Africa  with an investment of over $ 175 million .In 2022 , it was revealed that the Bank had a capital of $ 180.64 billion . Leading partner for infrastructure development in Central Africa, In Cameroon , the African Development Bank is one of the key development partners helping the country achieve its major transformation projects especially in transport infrasture.The Bank's investment had given way to the construction of roads ,to link Cameroon to Congo for an amount of $173million . Futhermore,The African Development Bank has also contributed to connecting Cameroon to Nigeria through the Construction project of the Bamenda -Enugu road and the completion of the bridge over the cross river Inaugurated in October 2022 for an amount of $ 120 million .The institution led by Akinwuni adesina is determined to reform the financial system in Africa .                                                                                            

Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
20 0

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