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Fight Against Drug Trafficking: Cameroon Gov't Destroys 62 Bags Of Cannabis Worth Cfa 400 Million.

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The incineration of 62 bags of cannabis totalling 1614,8 kilo was done in presence of the Minister of Territorial Administration Atanga Nji Paul On July 30,2024 in Yaounde nsam neighbouring.

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Alongside the MINAT was the Governor of the Center region Naseri Paul Bea and other administrative authorities of the Center region,all determined with the forces of Defence to fight against drugs circulation, trafficking and consumption in the country.Cannabis is a substance responsible for many negative scenes of voilence and the abusive consumption influences the behaviours and this opens the road to diseases like VIH , Hepatitis and Tuberculosis transmission to many people especially the youths.Statistics from the National Commitee for the fight against Drugs reveals that 21% of Cameroonians have tried the consumption of hard drugs ,10% being regular consumers and 60% are young people aged from 20 to 25 yrs with cannabis as the most consumed drug Cameroon with a prevalence rate of 58.54% followed by tramadol with 44.62% .These figures highlight the urge to intensified the fight of this issues .To this effect,the gov't have put in place mechanism such as organisating educative campaigns to raise awareness on the negative impact of this substances .In addition to this nation wide fight against drug trafficking that pose in one way to the other a significant health risk,the gov't through the Ministry of Public Health has put in place the elaboration of a National plan to fight against drugs abuse with the objective of significantly reduce the circulation, usage of drugs in Cameroon by 2030 .The government reiterate its fight against this phenomenon and promises to take more severe measure on those responsible for the movement and distribution of this nefastic substance, Minat calls on the population and forces of Defence to work hand in hand to create a barrier to this issu country-wide.  

bernardo carlos ndjomo
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