Actu Eco » Banque et Finance

Education: MINFI Cancels Worth Cfa 2Billion Tax Debt Of The University Of Ngaoundere.

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 2 mois

This announcement was made known during a meeting of the administrative council held on July 29,2024 in Ngaoundere.

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The Minister of Finance gave his accord for the cancellation of an important part of the tax debt of the University of Ngaoundere rising at approximately 2Billion CFA .A decision from MINFI that brings in a relief to the institution that faced financial difficulties for Many years . In addition to this financial debt cancellation ,the university of Ngaoundere will benefit from a budget extension of CFA 300millions for the year 2024. This measure are accompanied by an increase of the subvention of Central services and a significant increase budget of the school of geology and mining of Meiganga start 2025. To remain that the total amount of this debt was estimated at CFA 5billion  and then gov't has cancelled CFA 2billion from that budget is a relief to the state institute and this demonstrates the strong determination of the gov't to financially assist educational institutions and promote inclusive education in the Septentrion and country wide .     

Auteur: Christelle koambi                                                                        

bernardo carlos ndjomo
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