Actu Eco » Banque et Finance

Hydrocarbon : National Production In Cameroon Achieve 12,697Million Of Petrol Barrels.

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The Cameroon Hydrocarbon Firm known in the french acronym as Société National de Hydrocarbures (SNH) has announced that the national production of hydrocarbon has reached 12,697million barrels of petrol.


 This information was made known on July 24 ,2024 at the end of an extraordinary session of administrative council of SNH.The work carried out on the presentation of the reports on the activities of January 1st to April 30,2024 and the examination of SNH financial state to December 30 ,2023 ,it shows that National production of Hydrocarbon gets up at 12,697 million of barrels equivalent petrol : 7,516 millions of barrels for petrol and 922,94 millions of M3 for natural gaz. This amount recover by SNH from the sale of petrol  and gaz on behalf of the state has permitted the transfert of CFA 174,228 billions to public treasury after the withdrawal of charges, more over SNH paid an amount of cfa 25,267billion to the state taxes according to the announcement by the hydrocarbon firm.To remind that the production of petrol in Cameroon is done by multinationals ,after the signature of an agreement of exploitation and the share with the states is represented by SNH .2 companies that is PERENCO and ADDAX Petroleum  are exploiting crude petrol in Cameroon therefore SNH receive from this companies the shareof the production that is reserved for the  Cameroonian state.                                                                                             

Auteur: Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
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