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Digitalisation : A Method To Facilitate The Process Of Decentralisation.

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This was the menu of discussion of the 16th edition of the Forum International Decentralisation Network which took place in Douala July 24-25 2024.

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This year edition under the theme " The leverage effects of digital approaches in the management of performance of local authorities, applicable, procedures, mechanism of transfer of resources " brought together practitioners of decentralisation,local development and of the financial governance of french speaking countries  : Cameroon,Togo,Mali ,Burkinafaso ,Benin ,Madagascar and Germany was also represented.This initiative has for goal to improve and speed up decentralisation local  development which is a key component of the 2020-2030 National Development Strategy SND30 in Cameroon.This vision is to make all public ,private and social sector services have accessibility of  an equitable management of the population in their locality, give way to digital approaches in communication, digital facility in the mobilisations and security of taxes .Given that citizens are increasingly connected to digital plateforms, the use of digitalisation in decentralised localities is necessary to respond to the new expectations of citizens.Therefore local authorities should put in place simple and adequate methods: digitalisation that gives access to citizens participation in the well functioning of their locality and respond to this expectation such as online rendez-vous in hospital , hôtels and administrative localities,digital managements of town planning documents,the digitalisation of the civil status registry system ,overall this methods will improve the living conditions of citizens, while taking into account the values of social inclusion, gender,the promotion of cultural diversity and the protection of citizens as recommended by the Head of State President Paul Biya.                                                                                                                  

Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
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