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Africa's women's Day : Cameroon Joins The Rest Of Africa To Commemorates The 62nd Edition.

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Celebrated every 31st of July, The Africa's women's Day , aims at celebrating the role played by African women in colonialism and the recognition of the continuous role played by African women in the Socio-political and Economic development of the African continent.

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This year celebration in Cameroon under the theme " Women at the heart of reinforced training technology and innovation for inclusive and sustainable education in Africa" , brought together women from different sectors of activities at the Yaounde Polytechnique institution in presence of the Minister of women and the Family Marie Thérèse Abene Ondoa for the commemoration of this 62nd Edition.Despite cultural,ethnic and linguistics differences ,the aim of this day is to join forces to promote the full intergration of women into the economic , social and political development and thus help in the good governance and improve the living conditions of citizens of Cameroon's in particular and Africa in general.In Cameroon, women are actively represented and participate in the public and private sphere of the state  to advice and help the nation move forward on the right path and hold important post in various sectors such as education, technology,health ,agriculture and industry that contribute increasing the state budget. This day meant to support the emancipation of African women pave a way for African ladies to hold important positions in the country for example in Cameroon more than 5 Ministers are women, the represent an important portion at the senate and the national assembly , without exempting the fact that in Cameroon women are President founders of companies that employs million of cameroonians hence contributing in fighting against unemployment and contribute to the economic grow up of the country .In Cameroon, women's are actively represented in the domain of agricultural that present approximately 40% of the countries economy and employ up to 60% of the population contributing to the positive efforts towards food security and good nutrition. The Minister of Women Empowerment calls on all the Cameroonian women to stand up for their independence and autonomy to contribute to the economic prosperity of the state and improve the living conditions of citizens as require by the Head of State PR Paul Biya.                                       



Auteur: Christelle Koambi 

bernardo carlos ndjomo
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