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Gecam: About 6,000 Cameroonians Emigrated To Canada Between January and April 2024.

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The phenomenon of skilled worker migration abroad is increasingly worrying Cameroonian employers.

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The exodus of highly trained professionals ,who were previously employed by local company that invested heavily in their development, constitutes a substantial braindrain for the nation .During a press conference on September 18,2024 , Célestin Tawamba President of the cameroonian employers' association (Gecam) , voiced his worries to the press about the widespread brain drain impacting every industry in Cameroon . Experts report that approximately 6000 Cameroonians migrated to Canada in the first four months of 2024 . According to the president of Gecam , Cameroon ranks second globally in providing workforce to Canada , closely following France . Relatively to previous years, this figures shows a significant uptick from 2022 and 2023. This persistent trend , driven by years of crises ,takes a toll on the country's economy and labor force. Gecam's president warns that the mass departure of skilled workers from local firms entail a loss of critical expertise, threatening the competitiveness of our economy , the phenomenon is widespread, affecting all industries within Gecam .Data from the national institute of statistics in Canada reveals that, 14135 cameroonians migrated to Canada over a four-year period , from 2019 to 2023 representing about 6% of all immigrants to the country. The American Community Survey reports that 60,100 cameroonians immigrated to the US over a four-year period, with numbers escalating dramatically since the Anglophone crisis began . Immigration statistics reveals that morethan 90,000 cameroonians reside in France, 15769 in Belgium and 12000 in Spain.                                                                    

Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
8 0

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