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Cameroon : Agro-industry support, A key Priority Of The Reconstruction Plan For The North-West And South-West Regions.

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Paul Tasong, Chairman of the steering committee of the presidential plan for the reconstruction of the north-west and south-west regions, made this known in Bamenda, during the North-west Regional Assembly Session.

Facing financial constraints, the presidential plan for the reconstruction and development of the north-west and south-west regions , plans to roll out its second and third phases.Among these, priority should be given to revitalising the agro-industrial sector .Paul Tasong revealed that, the 2020 initiative will shortly turn its attention to supporting large-scale agro-industrial companies operating in north-west and south-west regions , This includes: CDC ( Cameroon development corporation) , Pamol Plantations PLC and Upper Nun valley Development Authority .These industries have been severely impacted by socio-political instability and insecurity, Consequences of the separatist conflict ravaging the two anglophone regions since 2017.According to Paul Tasong, these large agro-industries are vital to the local economy and stresses the importance of revitalizing these industries for broader socio-economic recovery in the affected regions. For now,the presidential plan for the reconstruction and development of the north-west and south-west regions struggle to raise necessary funds to support the rehabilitation plan for infrastructures destroyed by the conflict in these regions. Out of the 154 billion fcfa budgeted  , only 50 billion fcfa have been collected so far , according to the steering committee of the presidential plan for the reconstruction of the North-west and South-west Regions.           

Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
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