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Emigration: The Canadian Authorities Announce Substantial Cutback In Work Permits For Temporary Foreign Workers.

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At a press conference, the Canadian Prime Minister announced that Canada will significantly cutback on work permits for temporary foreign workers, with the aim of giving preference to domestic workers for these job openings.

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According to recent study , unemployment soared in Canada to 6.4% with back-to back increase in May and June .In June 2024 , there were up to 1.4million unemployed an increase of+ 3,1% from the previous month witnessing an increase in unemployment among individuals under the age of 24 .Canada saw a drastic increase in temporary foreign workers with numbers surging from under 16000 in 2016 to over 80,000 last year representing a morethan four-fold rise over seven years.As a measure to mitigate this trend of unemployment, the Canadian authorities saw the means of decreasing the number of temporary foreign workers as a solution . Companies in areas with an unemployment rate higher than 6% will be restricted from hirring temporary foreign workers.Canadian authorities had previously relaxed immigration rules to address labor shortages in key sectors , resulting in a significant increase in foreign workers , nevertheless in response to current economic difficulties, the government consider reduring temporary foreign worker numbers a necessary measures to safeguard employment opportunities for young Canadians and mitigate rising unemployment . According to African experts, this development is unfavorable for Africans who have been migrating to canada in unprecedented numbers over the past  few years.                                                                                                      



Christelle Koambi 

bernardo carlos ndjomo
19 0

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