Actu Eco » Politiques Publiques

Industry: Cameroon's Aluminium Company(Alucam) Recieves Recognition.

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 2 semaine

This move follows the validation of the results of the performance standards audit known as Aluminium Stewardship Initiative.

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Launched on April 22 to 26 ,2024 the distinction assessed the company's operation and identified areas for improvement. According to a communiquer by the enterprise signed by the factory manager, this certification assurés our employees and stakeholders that the facilities we've auditited comply with the required standards and criteria.This development , comes as the company is reporting strong financial , indeed in 2023 the Cameroonian company sole producer of aluminium in the Cemac zone, exported 15879 tons of raw aluminium to France , making it the 5th largest export product from Cameroon to France .Based on information released on August 19 ,2024 by the National institute of statistics on the external trade between Cameroon and France, this export from Cameroon to France amounts to cfa 20,8 billion of exports revenue for the Country of President Paul Biya. To remind that , As of what concerns the external Trade , For Countries supplier to Cameroon , France is among the top 10 on the list and Cameroon on its part is among the top 10 of African countries supplying France  meanwhile with Banana and Aluminium exportation                                         

Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
17 0

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