Actu Eco » Banque et Finance

The Central African Republic: The World Bank Provides CFA 41 Billion To Enhance Climate Resilience.

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 3 jours

The World Bank has approved $ 70million grants from the International Development Association to enhance access to essential infrastructure , services and bolster climate resilience in cities across the Central African Republic (CAR).

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This funding equivalent to approximately 41billion Fcfa will support critical development projects in the region. This fund , under the inclusive and resilient cities project in the Country,aims to improve living conditions, enhanced access to basic services and climate -resilient infrastructure.The institution says that , people living in the chosen cities will be safer from flooding and erosion thanks to improved drainage systems for managing rain water and slope stability at a time when the country is facing heavy rain fall.This project focuses on supporting vulnerable populations in Bangui and Berberati,with a special emphasis on internally displaced persons , women and young According to experts ,The Central African Republic ranked second globally in terms of climate change vulnerability, faces heightened risks of natural disasters,further compounded by poverty and political instability.In addition to the World Bank's contribution, the Chinese government announced at the recent edition of the Sino-Afrrican Cooperation forum , the release of a grant of 16.8billion fcfa in favor of the Central African Republic to supply the implementation of development projects in the country.                                                                                          




Christelle Koambi 

bernardo carlos ndjomo
9 0

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