Actu Eco » Politiques Publiques

Private Health Institutions : The Minister Of Public Health Demands Decent Salaries And Better Social Welfare.

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The Minister of Public Health, Dr Manaouda Malachie reminded private health care facility promoters of their obligation to comply with the provisions of the labour code in force in Cameroon.

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This specifically concerns the payment of decent wages , as well as their registration with social security to benefit from social advantages .This intervention follows a comprehensive survey of private health facilities across the country , revealing that several promoters are not complying with the labour code in force in the country , this initiative has exposed appalling and un acceptable working conditions . Investigations  by Alpha Eco's team uncovered shocking testimonies from nurses , Including one who remained anonymous, she declared that, " I worked for eight months in a private hospital without pay and my occasional monthly salary of CFA 30000  is insufficient to make ends meet". According to statistics from the Ministry of Public Health, the Cameroonian healthcare system faces a shortage of 55,000 personnel across all categories. An increasing number of graduated Doctors are opting to leave for Canada and other countries,raising the question about whether difficult working conditions, inadequate salaries and occasional month without pay may be the primary factors behind this braindrain. To address this issue, Dr Manaouda Malachie didnot hesitate to warn the concerned promoters, promising to take action.                                                  

Christelle koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
14 0

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