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Mbalam -Nabeba Iron Ore Project: The Dispute Between Cameroon And Sundance Resources Is Heading To Arbitration In Paris From January 27-31,2025 .

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 13 heures

The arbitration hearing will provide an opportunity for both parties to present their arguments and evidence before a neutral tribunal.

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Sundance Resources, an Australian mining company,has been seeking to exploit the Mbalam -Nabeba Iron Ore deposit, considered one of the largest iron ore reserves in the world. The conflict began when the government of Cameroon signed a contract with Austsino and Bestway Finance Ltd to build a 500km railway and concession agreement for the Kribi port mineral terminal without involving Sundance Resources.Sundance claimed this move violated their rights to the exploitation permit and sought urgent measures from the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris , to prevent Cameroon from granting Permits to other entities.The Australian junior miner Sundance Resources claims $5.5billion approximately 3,401,6 billion fcfa in damages from the Cameroonian government over the disputed Mbalam -Nabeba Iron Ore project. The outcome of the arbitration in January,2025 will be crucial in determining the future of the Mbalam -Nabeba project.While Sundance Resources is embroiled in a dispute with the Cameroonian government, the Congolese portion of the project has been acquired by Sangha Mining a subsidary of Bestway Finance Ltd .Sundance Resources accuses Sangha mining / Bestway Finance Ltd of unfairly taking control of the Mbalam -Nabeba project , previously awarded to its subsidiary Congo Iron . The Republic of Congo has reached a settlement agreement with Sundance Resources, resolving their disputes over the Mbalam -Nabeba Iron Ore project.                                     

Auteur: Christelle Koambi

Ophelie Ada Zoa
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