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Fight Against Wildlife Trafficking And Forest Preservation: Japan Provides Morethan CFa 1Billion Funding To Cameroon

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On August 28 ,2024 , the Japanese Embassy in Cameroon has handed over a significant donation of cfa 1,14 billion to the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife.

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This generous support from Japan which is aimed at supporting cameroon's efforts to combat wildlife trafficking and preserve the country biodiversity , provide support for the advanced forest information management system comprises of 16 pickup  trucks, 4 generators and 3 geospatial analysis systems .With these high quality materials, Cameroon should be able to increase by 30% its tax revenue link to forest tax revenue owing to an improved mapping of forest production subject to taxation and a more thorough accounting of wood supply sources . According to the Cameroon's Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife this donation is a crucial time for our field administration, which requires reliable equipment to be deployed where forest exploitation and incidence occurs to enable the forest fighters to respond quickly and take enforcement actions . Based on expert reports, illegal trade in wildlife products suc as Exotic wood , bush meat and elephant ivory is one of the most profitable and wide spread illicit trade globally , it a market value of approximately $ 2 0 billion per year .     

Auteur: Christelle Koambi

Ophelie Ada Zoa
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