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Adamawa Region: 2024 Mid-year Budget Review, The Regional Council Injects Over CFa 6.5 Billion.

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 1 jours

The Adamawa regional council held it's session on September 12-13 ,2024 and reported a positive mid-year budget performance.

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Under the leadership of the council's chairman, regional elected officials reviewed achievements made possible by an initial budget of Cfa 4,7 billion , supplemented by an additional budget of Cfa 3.7billion.Having increased its total budget to   Cfa 7.7 billion , the regional council reports that it has already generated Cfa 6.3 billion in income. These funds are primarily sourced from the general operating allocation, revenue from domain and service operations and the general investment allocation.The regional council has incurred expenses of CFa 7.181billion comprising Cfa 659 million for current operations and Cfa 6.521 billion for capital investment.The investments have specifically supported projects in the areas of healthcare ,education and inter-communal road maintenance .                                            



Christelle Koambi 

bernardo carlos ndjomo
8 0

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