Actu Eco » Politiques Publiques

Economy: Cameroon's SMEs Get Ready For Global Funding And Contract Opportunities.

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 2 semaine

The Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of Cameroon has launched an important capacity building workshop for local Small and Medium-sized Enterprises , aiming to equip them with knowledge of new mechanisms and techniques for negotiating international contracts.


This mechanism, according to the Ministry is part of the update and dissemination of practical guides on financing modalities with various financing windows of technical and financial partners.The workshop is designed for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises operating in the 3 priority sub-sectors : Agro-industry , Cotton -textile-garment /leathers and Forest-wood .The programme will target SMEs clusters and associations , and will be delivered in 2modules : International funding search techniques and international contract negotiations.Both modules will equip participants with the skills and knowledge to identify and access international funding opportunities , it will enable them with skills and knowledge to negotiate international contracts effectively, including understanding and contractual terms . Specifically, it will involve, identifying and mapping 50 SMEs from 3 sub-sectors,analyzing the financing needs of these SMEs and presenting to them the existing international financing mechanisms and their administration mode for the benefits of local SMEs . According to experts , in Cameroon, individual businesses primarily finance themselves through self-financing 61.5% , bank loans 46.2% , capital increase and tontine 38.5% ,non-collective companies finance themselves through capital increase,bank loans and tontine 50%. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises are a vital part of Cameroon's economy, and their significance extends to job creation, where they employ over 70% of the work force with 72.26% of permanent employees.They bring a significant influx of fresh skills and innovative ideas to the economy, injecting dynamism into the market.   

Auteur: Christelle Koambi

Ophelie Ada Zoa
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