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Cocoa: BEAC Forecasts A Surge Of Over 10,000 tonnes In Cameroon's Cocoa Production.

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According to the CEMAC monetary institution, Cameroon's Cocoa production is expected to increase by over 10,000 tonnes in 2024 , compared to the previous year's production.

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Cameroon's Cocoa production for the 2024-2025 campaign officially launched last August 2024 , is expected to reach 276900 tonnes, according to forecasts by the Bank of Central African States. Although there has been a modest rise in production over the years, Cameroon remains significantly below the 600,000 tonnes-objective set as part of the cocoa and coffee industry revival plan.Cameroon's government and key players in the bean production industry have embarked on an initiave to locally transform 50% of production , approximately 300,000 tonnes . Nevertheless, achieving this target remains a challenge.Despite national Cocoa production stagnating at around 30,000 tonnes for over three campaigns , local processing remains limited . The numerous processing units established recently, struggle to operate at full capacity due to the scarcity of available beans.This shortage ,hinders the government efforts to increase local value addition in the cocoa sector .                        

Christelle Koambi

bernardo carlos ndjomo
11 0

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