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Cameroon: Public Investment Increases By 10% In The First Quarter Of 2024

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 1 semaine

The National Institute of Statistics ,attributes this growth to the rise in capital spending.

Lire aussi : Finance : Cameroon Spent More Than Cfa 40 Billion On Public Institution Executive Pay Between 2020-2024.

Indeed, the gross fixed capital formation of the public sector increased from 210 billion fcfa in the first quarter of 2023 to 230.7billion fcfa at the end of march 2024 representing a jump of 20.7billion fcfa .This trend is consistent with the Cameroonian government's goal of boosting public investment in the state budget over the past few year , remained below the 40% threshold targeted by the 2020-2030 National Development Strategy. In contrast to public investment, private investment followed a reserve trend in Q1 2024 ,this sector experienced a slight decline to stand at 1014,9 billion fcfa down from 1023,1billion fcfa in the first quarter of 2023.According to the state agency responsible for compling statistics,the down trend in private investment can be mainly attributed to the decrease in demande for capital goods , particularly construction materials and transportation equipments . It's worth noting that in Cameroon, private investment accounts for more than 80% of investment expenses, as by the end of March 2024 for instance, its represented 1014.9billion fcfa that is 81.5% of the capital estimated at 1245,7billion Fcfa.                                                     

Auteur: Christelle Koambi

Ophelie Ada Zoa
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