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Cameroon: Feicom wipes Out 4 billion Fcfa In Debt Owed By 62 Municipalities In The South-West And North-West Regions.

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The Minister of Decentralisation and Local Development, Georges Elanga Obam on August 30 and 31,2024 chaired the 38th and 39th extraordinary session of the Board of Directors of the Special Council Support Fund For Mutual Assistance (Feicom) in Limbe.

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According to a presse release signed by the Minister of Decentralisation and Local Development,the agenda included , examining the climate accreditation file and the debt situation of municipalities in the North-West and South-west Regions.The board of Directors of Feicom has approved the proposal made by the General Management to cancel the debt of 62 Municipalities up to 75%, totalling an amount of 4billion fcfa as stated in the press release .The Director General of Feicom, Philippe Camille Akoa justifies this debt reduction due to the difficulties related to the security crisis facing the Municipalities in these two anglophone regions . These challenges according to the Director General of Feicom, are reflected in the slowing down of economic development and the degradation of municipal infrastructure and facilities.As a result , the   operating expenses and debt of these municipalities to Feicom have increased .  



Christelle Koambi 

bernardo carlos ndjomo
18 0

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