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Education: HTTC Yaounde Elevates Academic Fees For Independent students.

Dernière mise à jours il y'a 2 semaine

The Board of Directors of the Yaounde Higher Teaching Training College has increased tuition fees for independent students from 50,000 fcfa to 250,000fcfa .

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This decision comes in the midst of a crisis impacting Cameroon's eight public teacher training schools.The government's suspension of direct public sector recruitment for graduates several years ago has led to a decline in interest in these institutions.As a result , the schools have been relying  heavily on independent students who are not guaranteed automatic employment in the civil service. This amount represents a five-fold increase over the previously applicable rate ,which was previously 50,000fcfa .The council specifies that the new terms will be applied from the next recruitment.Until now HTTC Yaounde was the only institution among the other schools that charged training fees of 50,000fcfa ,the other higher schools had already implemented increases .This decision has sparked outrage, especially among students and families who worry that the hike will make it impossible for many aspiring students from low-income families to afford the training .                                           

Auteur : Christelle Koambi

Ophelie Ada Zoa
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